Mrs. Johnston (Music)

K -1 Students will learn and review the musical instruments and their families. Students will learn how the orchestra is arranged and how important the conductor is. Students will be able to identify the instruments.

2: Students will be learning 8 counts through the use of Eurythmics. They will apply this to their composition notebooks they have started. In February we will begin to practice for their Variety Show.

3: Third grade will be beginning keyboarding. They will learn the 7 tones and how to locate them. They will also learn how to recognize the notes and learn what each means.

5: Students will advance their strumming skills on the ukulele and learn how to play any song as long as they have the chords to play. They will also be working on a collaborative project with Mrs. Hallahan on presenting poetry and how it works with meter and rhyme. They will set their poems to music using their ukuleles.

6: Students will continue their music history by doing a partner project. This is a collaborative piece with Mr. Reilly in social studies and Ms. Miller in art.

7: Students will take what they learned in bucket drumming and apply it to compose their own music. Their first piece will be in collaboration with Mr. Reilly in WAG.

8: We will be concentrating on the 8th-grade play We will also be trying a new project called Genius Hour. This will be a collaborative project with Ms. Miller in art.